The Graceline Institute supports, promotes, and practices the very sacred act of spiritual pilgrimage…(leaving the pendulum extremes of past and future to deeply connect to the present by walking long roads into portals of the unknown. Learn more here: Gracelineinstitute.org).


And as we wander and meander and coddiwomple (that there is British slang for “traveling in a purposeful manner toward a vague destination”), we collect FOUND OBJECTS that we long to gift to you, that we burn some inspiration into, that we “artsy up” and “grid up” for you so that your fires can forever be ignited to remember The Way. We do this for You. Yes, You! Our beloved… a long.lost.sister, a favorite.future.mistake, a not.so.long.ago.stranger, and now a bonded.Anam.Cara (that there’s Irish for “soul friend”).


And after we burn some magic and medicine and mantra into the wood, we amplify it with quantum intentions via GridShare meditation. And it’s ALL HEART from there, baby. All heart…

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